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Increasing Brand Awareness with Content Marketing

7 Unique Ways to Use PLR Content

There are dozens of ways to use PLR content, from straight-out-of-the-box approaches to innovative, creative content solutions. Essentially, anywhere you need content, you can use PLR. In this guide, I’ll give you a few unique ways to use the private label rights content you buy. These content marketing strategies are proven to work and used by successful marketers and businesses around the world.

Training Your Affiliate Army

One of the best ways to use PLR contentsis to train your affiliates. Any affiliate marketing content you buy can potentially be turned into training materials.

Though your affiliates would love to promote you more, they may not have the skills to do so.

Because there’s already so much PLR on the subject, you won’t have to do much to teach your affiliates a lot.

Using It As A Promotional Tool

Use private label rights videos to help your affiliates promote your newest products. The more help and tools you give them, the better. You can take PLR eBooks that address customers’ needs or are relevant to the market, and rebrand them so your affiliates can insert their own links, share them, and profit.

Training Staff Members

While we’re on the subject of training, there’s a substantial amount of available products that you can use to train outsources as well.

I suggest assembling it into a checklist and creating a video that walks the staff member through every step in the process, depending on who you are training.

There are master resell rights eBooks on a range of topics your outsources may find useful, such as WordPress, article marketing, keyword research, video creation, and much more.

Creating Practical Tools

Most coaching PLR courses lends itself quite well to the creation of checklists and worksheets, as touched upon above. Any how-to guide can easily be turned into a checklist, where the article’s content serves as the instruction manual for list completion. People love checklists, as well as anything else that helps them stay organized. Capitalize on those organizational desires by including a checklist in your next PLR articles pack.

Social Media Posts

Another great way to use PLR is to break it up into social media posts. Take snippets and crucial points from articles and turn them into Facebook and Twitter updates, and you’ll be giving your followers useful information while promoting yourself.

Complete Transformations

Of course, you can always change your PLR autoresponder messages into a completely different form. That may be incredibly easy, particularly if you already have audio and video experience.

Simply put the most important facts onto PowerPoint slides and use those articles as video scripts. Or, record yourself reading the articles and turn them into a series of podcasts.

Though you may have to edit the content somewhat, it should be easy.

One of the cheapest PLR stores I know of sells a wide range of emails with private label rights.

Conversion to a Physical Format

Here’s another great way to put that PLR content to good use.

Take some high-quality stuff and use it to create a giveaway or a physical product.

Offline businesses frequently use printed reports as marketing tools, but as an online marketer, you can create items such as calendars with bite-size daily tips, training DVDs, and a whole lot more.

These are just a few outside-the-box ways you can use the private label rights content you buy. With your skills and creativity, I’m sure you can come up with a few more.

Step to Building Your Email List with Digital PLR Planners

Using PLR (Private Label Rights) planners can be an effective strategy for building your email list. PLR planners are pre-designed templates or content that you can customize and rebrand as your own.

Here are some steps to use PLR planners to build your email list:

  1. Choose a Relevant PLR Planner: Look for a PLR planner that aligns with your niche or target audience. It could be a daily planner, goal-setting planner, fitness planner, meal planner, or any other type of planner that would be valuable to your audience.
  2. Customize the PLR Planner: Make the PLR planner unique to your brand by customizing it. Add your logo, branding elements, and colors to the planner. You can use graphic design tools like Canva to easily make these modifications.
  3. Add Opt-In Forms: Within the PLR planner, strategically place opt-in forms or call-to-action buttons to encourage readers to join your email list. Offer a valuable incentive, such as a free ebook, checklist, or exclusive content related to the planner, to entice them to sign up.
  4. Create a Landing Page: Design a dedicated landing page on your website or a standalone page using platforms like Leadpages or Unbounce. This page should showcase the PLR planner and describe its benefits. Include a prominent opt-in form on the landing page to collect email addresses.
  5. Drive Traffic to Your Landing Page: Promote your PLR planner and landing page through various channels to attract traffic. Utilize social media platforms, write blog posts, create YouTube videos, or collaborate with influencers in your niche to generate awareness and direct visitors to your landing page.
  6. Offer a Sneak Peek: To entice potential subscribers, offer a sneak peek or sample pages from the PLR planner. This allows them to see the value and quality of the content, increasing the likelihood of them signing up for your email list.
  7. Create a Thank You Page: After someone subscribes to your email list, redirect them to a thank you page. This page can provide additional resources, links to relevant blog posts, or exclusive offers to further engage and nurture your new subscribers.
  8. Nurture Your Email Subscribers: Once you have a growing email list, provide valuable content, exclusive offers, and personalized communication to your subscribers. Regularly send emails with helpful tips, updates, and promotions to keep them engaged and build a relationship of trust.
  9. Leverage Social Proof: As your email list grows, use social proof to encourage more sign-ups. Share testimonials or success stories from satisfied subscribers who have benefited from your PLR planner or other content.
  10. Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of your PLR planner and email list-building efforts. Track metrics like conversion rates, open rates, and click-through rates to identify areas for improvement and make necessary optimizations.

Remember, building an email list takes time and consistent effort.

By leveraging digital planners PLR and implementing effective strategies, you can attract and engage a targeted audience, ultimately growing your email list and strengthening your online presence.